Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Prisoner No More

Let's take a moment in honor of the greatest Prisoner ever, Patrick McGoohan. While probably better known as Secret Agent Man, or for his award winning appearances on the old television series, Columbo, he will always be in our hearts as No. 6 and held against his will in The Village having his life dictated by the everchanging No. 2.

Who is No. 1? I don't think we'll ever know. In this spy/sci-fi short lived series created and produced by McGoohan, after quitting the British Secret Service he awakes in this village where he is interrogated by No. 2 for information. We never do find out whose side No. 2 works for or even what information they want, but this short lived 1960s cult television series will forever keep his name alive!

Coincidently, we had just starting watching the series again after finding a list of a different order to watch the episodes in, instead of their original television order and we are only about half way through the boxed DVD collection. McGoohan's death will make the other half more poignant for sure.

Rest easy. You are finally not a number but a free man!

Nausea rating: I'm sick. Just sick.

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